Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tuesday Trend - To Fringe Or Not To Fringe?

Autumn, to me, screams block fringe/bangs and shiny chocolate brown hair. I have been debating whether to get my fringe cut for the last few weeks but it always tends to become too much of a hassle to maintain! So, I thought I'd share some hair styles that I absolutely love for the Autumn season.

My favourite of these images is number 3. Although I could never pull such a vibrant colour off, I think it is 
absolutely gorgeous and pretty much sums up an Autumn hair style for me! 

The only thing that puts me off a fringe is the constant styling - my hair is naturally wavy and even after a tonne of hairspray my hair doesn't seem to stay put. 

What do you think of block fringes? Do you have any tips for maintaining a block fringe?

P.S I am super happy to announce that I am a member of the Motel Rocks Street Team!! So you guys get an amazing 20% off your purchase if you use my discount code - 'beautyembraced'. YAY

Images taken from - 


  1. Just followed you, found you on BBU blog hop. Maybe we can follow each other.

