Sunday, 22 April 2012

Looking fresh

Like many girls I'm a massive fan of painted nails but my obsession with perfect looking and unchipped nails means I waste a vast amount of time repainting them. Despite using a base coast with each application my nails have become discoloured so I decided today that I need to ditch the bright Spring colours for a while. 

So, here is my alternative... 

I am so happy with my french manicured nails, don't they look healthy? And yes, I did do them myself! 

How did I do them?
First I applied a base coat, I used 17 clear varnish.
Next, I used a white polish to do the tips. I have no idea where I got this from, but any white polish will do the job. I do have quite a steady hand so I managed to do them free hand. (Another good way is to use hole reinforcers. I haven't gone mad, they do work. If you use a hole reinforcer, cut it in half and line the top edge up with the shape of the tip of your nail, it works great as a cheap stencil!)
And finally I applied 2 coats of a sheer, natural pink colour. Mine is by nails inc. in the shade 'south malton street'. 

It did take a bit of patience, but I love a fresh look now and again!

Hope you're all having a great sunday.

Kat xx


  1. can't belive you did that free hand! its amazing!

    1. Thank you, it did take some patience and concentration :) xx

  2. Looks wonderful! Did an amazing job!

    1. Thank you, I think it's a great natural look which goes with any outfit xx

  3. This is such a pretty colour, I can never master the french manicure, too clumsy! I really like your ring too xxx

    1. Thank you. I never used to be able to get it right but somehow managed to this time round! Thanks, it was from Debenhams in the sale for £2! xx

  4. I'm totally IN LOVE with french manucure! They look amazing!

    1. I hardly ever do it, so I was surprised at how well they turned out! Thanks sweety xx
