Monday, 9 April 2012

Words words words

It's not long until I have to go back to university and face the dreaded first year exams. EEK. 
So, I'm trying to make the most of my time off and have been spending time with my family, catching up on my fave tv shows and reading. 

Yes, this is another book post. I started to read the girl with the dragon tattoo but I'm struggling to get into it! Everyone has told me it is an amazing read, one of my friends said he couldn't put it down. But I really can't see the hype about it, it's so slow and dull and frustrating because I wanted it to be good!

Anyway, my mum has given me this book ... 

'Love and Devotion' by Erica James. I'm looking forward to reading this! 

The dress I'm wearing in this photo is my new favourite, it's a polka dot dress from H&M. It's gorgeous and is very flattering on my curvy figure. 

Kat xx


  1. such a nice blog. following!

    would be so nice if you followed back! :)
