Thursday, 24 May 2012

First Glossybox, yay or nay?

Just a quick warning, this post contains a lot of photos (apologies)! 

So this month I took the plunge and subscribed to Glossybox. The main reason was because I knew they'd have a birthday box and I thought that it would be worth subscribing on one of the 'themed' months... 

This was my little revision break so I felt the need to include a cup of coffee in shot!  

I was so impressed and super excited about the packaging! As I said in my previous post packaging always plays such a huge part in receiving things in the post, so well done to Glossybox for putting so much thought into it! 

Cute little Glossybox balloon and mirror - another really cute touch! 

So the first item is some Eldora false eyelashes... I am so happy with mine because I will definitely wear them on my next night out! I will probably post a makeup look when I eventually go out after this stressful exam period! 

Next, Neal's Yard Remedies rehydration rose daily moisturiser... I'm not a fan of the smell of this. It does have a rose scent but it reminds me of the smell of a Barbie I used to have when I was younger. I may sound like a mad woman, but you know when dolls have a scent to them that is sort of like plastic? Well that's what it smells like to me. And I tested this on my hand and have come out in a terrible rash so not a great product for me. 

I was afraid I'd receive a shower gel... I have so many to get through! This doesn't smell particularly feminine, in fact it's something my brother would use in the shower. However, it is a nice scent and it's a decent size.

Another iffy product... I don't use gel eyeliner and if I was to use it then I definitely wouldn't choose gold! I tried it on and it clashes with my skin tone and is really not flattering... Definitely a miss.

And finally some Lolita Lemnicka perfume samples. They do smell gorgeous. But two perfume samples... Not particularly impressed, but is that me just expecting too much?

So, what do you guys think of the products? What products did you receive?

As a themed box I was not overly impressed... Despite my initial excitement of receiving my first ever box and the impressive packaging, I've come to the conclusion that they could have included something a bit more exciting perhaps... Maybe next month will be more of a surprise?

Kat xx


  1. I always think about subscribing what I'm worried that the box that I bother subscribing to ends up being really disappointing.

    1. I think it's worth it just to test out. I'm going to stay subscribed until next month to see what else they come up with :) Although it may become an addiction and I'll probably say the same next month too! xx

  2. I'm definitely thinking about unsubscribing after this months box, it was pretty disappointing. xx

    1. Yeah I wasn't overly impressed either. But I suppose they have to try and please so many people.. it must be hard to put it together xx

  3. This was my first glossybox too and I was very underwhelmed. I was expecting a little bit more than a balloon for the birthday edition! xx

    1. Same, maybe next month will be an improvement? xx

  4. It's a shame you didn't seem to like yours! I got the same products, and yes there's no denying I was hoping for massive brands and full sizes galore in order to celebrate the 1st birthday. But, that aside, I think the products are really nice and the gold liner will look stunning in the summer with a nice subtle tan! Great that there's some full sized products too xo

    1. Yeah same, maybe it's because their other themed boxes have been a little bit more 'special'? I do agree, after some testing I'll probably grow to love them :) Can't help but be a bit disappointed though xx

  5. I wasn't so thrilled over this moonth's glossybox. Expected so much more for a 'birthday theme' box :/

    1. I think I was made even more excited after seeing photos of the glossybox birthday party... Didn't really live up to what I expected xx

  6. Aw, that's too bad you didn't really like this month's box. It actually looks a bit better than the Birchbox I subscribe to here in the states.If you're curious to get an idea of what I mean, I wrote a review of my box here :)

    I's weird they put two perfume samples.

    1. I may just be expecting too much! The packaging does it for me though, I'm planning on keeping the boxes because they are gorgeous! I had a look and some of the products (especially the nail varnish) looks great! xx

  7. This was my first Glossybox too and although I wasn't overly wowed I am impressed with it and already looking forward to my next one. What are you wearing on your nails in the top picture? I love the colour! xo

    1. So am I, hopefully there will be some more exciting goodies! I'm wearing a MaxFactor polish in 'chilled lilac', I wrote a review on it last week :) xx

  8. I used to be subscribed to them but cancelled because i wasnt digging what i was getting. Although i did subscribe again for their Harrods special but wasnt that amazing either.. the perfumes they send are usually nice but!

    Lovely blog, just followed :)

    Ruth xxxx

    1. Yeah, I think it's a bit hit and miss.. But it's a nice idea to get to test some products that we wouldn't usually purchase. Thank you! xx

  9. ive been thinking about signing up x

    1. It's worth a try if you like testing new things. It's nice to receive something every month but I guess it depends if you're happy to spend £12 a month on something that you don't know whether you'll enjoy or not.. xx

  10. I got a few products the same as yours. I got a different brand of lashes which I love.
    I can't believe they've put collection products in the box! It's ment to be high end samples - not drug store!
    This is my 4th glossy box and I have had better. I also sunscribed to Jolie Box for the first time ( and I'm happier with my Jolie box this month really!
    Hannah x

    1. Yeah I was a bit disappointed! Hopefully this month's will be better... I'm thinking of having one my Glossybox then try the other brands out :) xx
