Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Music of the moment

Another post? Yes, I'm slacking on revision and keep reverting to youtube and blogs but this one is for a good reason! Promise!

Nothing to do with beauty but I've included this guy in one of my very first posts and I feel I have to mention him again because not enough people know about him! Adam Barnes is a musician, singer, song-writer, artist, whatever you'd like to call him and his songs are stuck on repeat in my house at the moment. Particularly this song, 'She Will Stay Beneath the Moon'.... 

Definitely go check him out, follow him on facebook and twitter if you enjoy! 
Let me know if you like :)

Who's your favourite person to listen to at the moment? 

Kat xx


  1. I normally prefer youtube and blogging also but sometimes revision needs to be done :/, great blog!

    1. It seems to be the hardest distraction! Thank you sweety xx

  2. Oh I love him!
    My fave song from him is 'If I was a Lonely Man'
    but I do also really like 'She Will Stay Beneath the Moon' it's such a chilled out song!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I like that song too, he's really great but not enough people know about him! xx

  3. good luck with the revision

  4. Love him!

    come follow me, i always follow back! xoxo
    Strange Obsessions
