Thursday, 7 June 2012

11 Questions tag

Hey guys! I hope you're not too annoyed with me as I've not posted for so long (sorry)! I have two exams left so after that I will get back into a rota with blogging. However, Hannah tagged me in her 11 questions tag so I thought I'd take a break from revision! 

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions your tagger has sent you as well as create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. Choose 11 people to tag and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them they were tagged.
5. No tag backs!
6. You have to really tag 11 people, not just say "if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!" or something like that.

11 Things about me:

1. I'm at university
2. I study English Literature
3. I live just over 5 hours from home (250 miles)
4. My career goal is to become a primary school teacher
5. I have a phobia of king prawns
6. One of my favourite foods is couscous (YUM)
7. I live with 11 other students and absolutely love it!
8. It takes a while for me to come out of my shell
9. I'm a creative person e.g. arty bits and pieces, writing etc. 
10. My favourite tv shows are Made In Chelsea, Hollyoaks and Big Bang Theory - embrace the inner nerd 
11. I hate being left on my own

Hannah's questions

1. What is the beauty/make-up product you use the most?
Moisturiser! I use moisturiser all over my body twice a day because my skin tends to get really dry. On my face I use either my oilatum or cetaphil. And my body moisturiser at the moment is one from bath & body works (a friend bought it for me), it's called 'sea island cotton' and it smells like summer!

2. Share one beauty tip
So this is a beauty tip that my mum always nags me about and I never do it enough but drinking water! I know it makes a huge difference to your skin and how you feel in general.

3. What is your favourite thing to blog about?
I enjoy blogging about random events that may have happened - one of my favourite posts is when I blogged about my nightclub romance here... I like to get your advice and opinions on stuff like that :) - Those of you who read that post, the guy never came back so it was obviously not meant to be *sob*

4. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I really love just getting my thoughts 'out there', I think it's good to have somewhere to share your opinions because people I know often get bored of me talking about makeup and rambley bits and bobs! Also I love having my own little projects to do... if you can call it a project. And you guys are so lovely!

5. What is your most expensive beauty/ make up product?
I'm not going to lie, I don't own any high end makeup so my most expensive beauty item are probably my GHD's - even though they recently broke... so I'm going to have to buy some new ones, bad times.

6. What is your most inexpensive beauty/make up product?
This is probably vaseline. I have rekindled my love for the rose tinted vaseline (link)... it's great for spring as it adds a subtle hint of colour and is obviously super moisturising.

7. What item of make up are you currently lusting after?
I really want to try a chanel foundation, do you guys have any opinions/recommendations?

8. Is there a celebrity in particular who's make up style you love? If so, who is it?
Fearne Cotton, just look at her...

Who wouldn't love her style?! I also think that she's very down to earth which makes me like her more, she has fun with fashion and always pulls it off.

9. If you could only use one brand of make up for the rest of your make up using life, what would it be?
I would have to say collection 2000 simply because they are such a good price and I couldn't live without the concealer! ... Their nail polishes are really affordable too

10. What is one product you don't like?
I really dislike Mac studio fix fluid foundation, my skin hated it and it looked very cakey - I got numerous comments about how weird it looked!

11. Do you prefer a neutral make up look or a more vibrant look? Why? 
Neutral makeup, I rarely wear anything daring and when I do it never turns out to be as vibrant as I had planned... I love toned down makeup and vibrant clothing 

My questions for you!

1. If you could be any animal what would you be?

2. If you had to take one beauty product to a desert island, what would it be?

3. What is your favourite make up item in your entire collection?

4. If you were going on holiday what is one product you wouldn't be able to leave at home?

5. What is your 'go to' outfit?

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

7. If you had to chose one which would you pick, makeup or clothing? Why?

8. If you could be anyone else in the world for one day who would you chose to be?

9. What super power would you like to have?

10. Tell us one embarrassing story about something that has happened to you?

11. What was your favourite subject at school and why?

So, I tag ... 

Florence's Musings

It's always difficult to decide who to pick but these ladies are fab and I look forward to reading their responses! 


  1. Awww thanks for tagging me and I loved some of your answers! I study English as well, and love it, but I live at home so my university experience is quite different and mmmm couscous! So good!

    1. That's ok sweety! Oh cooool, I really love English.. just found this year at university to be too rushed but it's still enjoyable! Yeah I didn't want to go to uni initially but it's the best decision I've ever made! xx

  2. really nice questions and answers. love it.
    and yes, the makeup is perfect.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

    1. Thanks sweety! Yes Fearne always looks so flawless xx

  3. Great blog!

    Let's follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin'?


  4. YAY! I am going to do this a.s.a.p ! :D

    1. Yay! I look forward to reading your answers :) xx
