Saturday, 16 June 2012

My mighty return and outfit of the day

Hey guys!

So my exams are officially over (YAY) which means I am able to get back into relax mode! I hope that all of your exams went okay if you had any in the last couple of months, I know it is such a relief to get them out of the way! 

I cannot believe that it is nearly the end of my first year at university so in two weeks I will be moving out of halls and back home for the summer. The next two weeks are going to be extremely busy for me as I have got onto a volunteering week which is 9-6 Monday-Friday (my days haven't been that long for years) and then I obviously need to pack and then there's a week of celebrations for the end of the university year! 

Anyway, enough about my life... As you probably know, the UK had a week of absolutely GORGEOUS weather during my exam period, so I thought I'd show you one of my outfits. The day was lovely, so despite having a lot of revision to do, me and some friends sat outside all day with pimms and cider and just relaxed with our books... it was heaven! 

So here is what I wore...

Crop top - Topshop
Black vest - New Look
Shorts - Vintage

Earrings - Present from a friend

Nails - Asda polish in 'Sunset Orange'

Shorts - Vintage

Shoes - New look 

I thought this look was quite cute, girly but really casual and not too fussy! I found it difficult to know what to wear because it was pretty hot but not hot enough to show too much flesh.

Do you like this outfit? 
What's your 'go to' outfit in the summer time?

Kat xx


  1. LOVE this! especially the sparrow top.
    it's good to hear that you're able to finally de-stress :) i've been out of school for about a month now, but the stress is still there (i'm working 50 hours a week, on most weeks. ahhh!)
    congrats on finishing up your freshman year!


    1. Thank you!
      The year went so quickly, cannot wait until the summer kicks in! xx

  2. I really love the top!! So pretty and the earrings are amazing!!


    1. Thanks! :) Unfortunately I accidentally broke the earrings the other day! xx

  3. Replies
    1. My friend got them for me, loved them! But I sat on them the other day and the jewels came off :( xx

  4. Thats a really pretty outfit!


    Hope you check my post

    Gem x

  5. Love your outfit! The shade of your nails is lovely too x

    1. Yeah I love the nail polish, it's cheap and cheerful for summer xx

  6. I love your top (first picture) and your shoes are awesome :D

  7. I have those shoes as well but in tan :) id you buy yours from the kids section too? I love getting kids shoes from New Look as I'm a size 4 and can normally squeeze into them, plus you dont pay tax on them!


    1. They are cute shoes :) They don't do my size in the children's section, but that's a great idea! xx

  8. Love that orange nail polish! :)

    Hey, I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award:
