Friday, 11 May 2012


The fact that my university is 20 - 25 minutes away from town means that I have to get the bus. Obviously this has it's pros and cons... mainly pros. But, I do volunteer at a school in town once a week, so I clearly make the most of it whilst I'm in the area! 

The first stop is always Boots then I 'window shop' for a while and then head to Sainsburys for my weekly food shop... Yes, I do have a bit of a rota going on, may be a slight bit of OCD but I hate to be disorganised.

Anyway, the point of this post is to show you what I purchased on Thursday.

I did control myself, seeing as I just purchased my mum's birthday present I don't have that much money to spare this month! 

Biore 'Combination Skin Balancing Cleanser' from Sainsburys £3.32 (on offer)
Imperial Leather 'Skin Kind enrich raspberry & lime blossom body wash' from Sainsburys 94p (on offer)
Oilatum moisturiser from Boots £7.65
Natural Collection blusher in 'peach melba' £1.99
Natural Collection loose powder in 'translucent' £1.99
Rimmel Kate Lasting Finish Lipstick in 08 'Rossetto' £5.49

This blusher is a re-purchase, it's my everyday blush. The colour is gorgeous and great for summer time, Natural Collection blushers are my favourite and they're so affordable!

After watching the Pixiwoo sister's religiously for a while I decided to pick up the Oilatum moisturiser since they seem to use it as a base quite frequently. I have been using Cetaphil moisturiser for over a month now and it is great but I don't think it's quite moisturising enough.

And finally I picked up this lipstick on a whim. I want to build up my lipstick collection and ordered a Mac lipstick but I got it sent to the wrong address (idiot). The colour of this is great, not too different from my natural lip colour, but I really don't like the texture. There's creamy and then there's creamy. I can just feel it sitting on my lips which I really don't like. 

I wish I loved it more but nevermind. I'll just have to wait for my Mac one! 

What purchases have you made recently? 
Do you budget yourself to a certain amount to spend on beauty products each week?

Hope you're having a nice day!
Kat xx

OH, WAIT... I just have to say, I signed up to Glossybox yesterday and cannot wait to receive it. Yay! 


  1. Looks like you picked up some great items! The Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick looks great on you! I have a couple from the collection myself and love how they feel on :) xo

    1. The face cleanser is gorgeous, I'll have to do a review on it. Thank you, I've worked out how to wear it without it feeling to heavy so enjoying using that now :) xx

  2. the lipstick looks pretty. i'm also interested in the biore cleanser

    1. Thanks, it is a nice natural shade. I'll do a review on it in a few weeks :) xx

  3. I can't go into boots without spending a tenner so i hear ya!
    Lipstick is lush. x

    1. Well it would be rude to go in there and not buy anything! :p xx

  4. If you watch pixiwoo than you must know pixi2woo. I love Tanya, she's incredible.

    Anyways, love that lip colour, such a pretty shade.

    1. Yess, I love her and I also watch Jim's channel too. Such a cute couple! Thank you, it's a good one for the Spring/Summer xx

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, for once I picked up things I actually needed! xx

  6. i have that Kate Lippy - love it x

    1. It is now my new favourite shade :) xx

  7. i really love that shade of blush! it's like a nice, muted peach tone -- perfect for me!
    thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog. by the way, you now have your 50th follower -- congrats! :)
    take care my dear!


    1. It is a gorgeous, subtle colour. It's one of those shades that I think would suite a lot of skin tones!
      You're very welcome! Aw yay, thank you! xx
