Sunday, 6 May 2012

Romance and Awards

This first part of my post is going to be rambly... You have been warned.

So, I went out last night because this weekend was Roses weekend where my university and another compete against each other in sports, obviously we won. But anyway, I went out and met this gorgeous guy. Gorgeous as in totally out of my league but somehow he started talking to me, he was such a cutie. After a while I went to find my friend and said I'd go back to where he was so he gave me a peck on the cheek and off I went (adorable). But I totally forgot to go back because I got carried away. It's such a silly thing but I cannot stop thinking about it, thing is I don't know his name or have his number I just know what university he goes to and where he lives... So sad. So I've been miserable thinking that I may have missed out on 'the one'.

Oh how I wish I had someone to share my day with. Do any of you girls ever feel like you need a man?

On a more positive note, I have been nominated for two awards. Firstly Kirsty from Teacups & Treats and the gorgeous Hannah from Confession Closet have nominated me for the versatile blogger award. 

The Rules:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers whose blogs you enjoy the most.
2. Let them know that you nominated them.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger that nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

So I'm going to nominate

My 7 random facts:
I want to marry Ed Sheeran, or Michael Buble
I love to paint
I hate buses
I have a phobia of king prawns
I love nights out
I'm good at organising and budgeting 
I faint at the sight of blood

Hannah also nominated me for the Liebster award which is aimed at newer bloggers with under 200 followers. If you get nominated you should post about the award and nominate 5 bloggers yourself to keep it rolling.

So I'm going to nominate 

All of these blogs are great, it was difficult to choose because I follow hundreds of brilliant blogs but these are the ones I love to go to first. Why don't you go have a little read for yourself?

Thanks again for these nominations, I love blogging and sharing my thoughts with you guys.

Kat xx


  1. Hate when that happens! All the nice men seem to escape somehow. I don't feel like I need a man in my life, it's easy enough to live without but it's nice to have someone in your life that is your best friend too so you can rely on them to cheer you up whenever its needed.
    Well done on your nominations! x

    1. It's really annoying, we got so carried away talking about general life and interests that I forgot to ask his name. Yeah relationships have their pros and cons! Thanks xx

  2. this calls for some serious stalking! aha im sure youll bump into him again soon! awwww thank you sosososo much for the nomination lovely xx

    1. Haha, I can't find him anywhere :( My friend has helped because she met him too, but no sign. Obviously not destined to be! And you're very welcome sweety, you definitely deserve way more subscribers! xx

  3. oh my gosh i know just the situation you mean! I really hope you find him! thankyou for the nomination!

    1. Thanks it's such a pain, lovely guys are hard to find sometimes :) You're welcome, love reading your blog xx

  4. Thanks for the nomination! :)


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats on the award! And don't worry about "the one", if he is the one, God will make sure to get you back together, it is 100% true!!!!;-))))

    1. Thank you :) I do hope that's true, I'd love to be able to see him again xx

  7. I am the same as you with the blood thing! Euughh! Your blog is adorable. x

    1. It's really bad and annoying, I wish I wasn't so sensitive to it! Aw thank you xx

  8. I also nominated you!

  9. It's crazy how things like that happen!! I broke up with a boyfriend recently who I'd been with for a year and half, so I know what you mean...BUT something really similar happened to me the other day too!
    I was in a shop trying on jeans, and they sent over the cutest guy to help me out (literally, he took my measurements, I was pretty flustered). I was thinking how out of my league he was, but as I was leaving he asked for my number!

    If this guys 'the one', it'll happen. At least, that's what my mum always says, and she's a pretty smart lady ;)

    Love your blog - just followed you!


    1. Aww, break ups are hard. I was with my last boyfriend for 3 years, it's difficult! Aww, see at least he plucked up the courage to ask for your number, that takes some guts :) I totally agree, if it's meant to be then it will happen without any thought! Thank you sweety, glad you like it xx

  10. Wowza thanks so much Kat! This brightened my day :D

    xx Veronica

  11. Replies
    1. They definitely cheered my day up! xx

  12. aw how sweet! i hope you bump into eachother soon!
    im just the one for things like this to happen to.. so unlucky in love x

    1. So do I, but the chances are pretty slim because he lives hours away. But who knows! Aww I'm sure you'll find the right person one day :) xx

  13. thank you so much for nominating me !!

  14. Aww, what a bittersweet night! You never know, you might bump into him again one day- if it's meant to be it will be!xxx

    1. I know! So frustrating but nevermind, I totally agree... If it's meant to happen then it will :) xx
