Thursday, 5 July 2012


So I've returned from uni, my holiday to France is fast approaching and the weather in the UK is taking it's time to brighten up... My cure = make-up!!

I unsubscribed from Glossybox after their June box... BUT if you remember reading my first Glossybox post (their birthday box) you'd remember I got the collection 2000 eyeliner in gold and, initially, I was very disappointed with it... Well, I have worked with it for a while and here's how I love to use it.

I am not one for heavy eye makeup, so the subtle gold colour on the lower lash line isn't too 'in your face'. I love it! It is so summery, subtle, and enhances my eye colour.

What do you think?
What is your favourite eyeshadow/eyeliner colour for Summer?

Kat xx


  1. It looks so pretty! I really need to try using a colour under my lashline, I love the way it looks. x

    1. Thanks! It's really simple yet adds a little bit of colour to any makeup :) xx
