Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Purchase Prevention

Hey girlies! 

I want to do a quick post about money... Yes, money is a horrible subject but I think it could be useful, and if it isn't useful to you then it probably will be for myself.

I'm sure you guys have had some sort of struggle with spending before whether it's been simply having to restrain yourself from spending or having been in a situation of desperation. 

I have been in both of these situations. As my mum would say to me, 'money burns a hole in your pocket'. Whenever I leave the house I come back with some form of beauty or fashion purchase - for instance yesterday I went with my mum on the weekly grocery shop and ended up spending £20 on sandals and skin care (I'll show you in my next post). But the products are, more often than not, unnecessary buys! And I need to stop spending because my holiday is fast approaching and as a university student, I should be saving it for essentials.


Here are a few tips to stop the splurging. 

1. Money doesn't grow on trees. Earn it where ever possible - work, chores, selling items - whatever you enjoy/feel like doing. Whether it is a big pay cheque at the end or a few pounds, it all adds up!

2. Don't take your purse everywhere you go! Leave the bank cards at home and take enough cash with you for emergencies and travel - this way you can't spend too much and regret it later (unless, of course, you have a very generous friend by your side at the time).

3. Keep the change. Have a money pot, put any coins that are bulking out your purse into a jar and you'll soon save up. Another idea is a swear jar / moan jar / negativity jar, putting money into the pot will make you  change your actions for the better and help you save at the same time.

They are my 3 little tips... I didn't want to bombard you guys with an essay today, because lets face it I'm more than likely to go against these rules anyway and splurge sometimes but I think it is good to keep them in mind! 

Hope you're all enjoying your day - Especially in the UK, it's a scorcher!

Kat xx

Saturday, 21 July 2012

First Date Outfit and Make-up

I - amazingly - got asked out on a date by my supervisor at work when I returned home from university. First dates are always a nightmare - nerves kick in concerning what outfit to wear, what make-up look to go for and how to generally act. They always seem to be such a big deal because you want to make a good impression - even if you know them already! And the supervisor status just added to the stress.

Thankfully it went extremely well. He took me to a little restaurant in his town which was super friendly and had that 'community' spirit which I absolutely loved. The atmosphere helped put us both at ease and the date could not have gone any better, which was a huge relief and it has made me a very happy girl indeed!

I went for a very simple outfit. I paired a plain t-shirt with a striped cardigan and some skinny jeans and jazzed it up a little bit with a silver collar necklace from H&M and my heeled Chelsea boots from Ebay. As one of my friends said, 'you don't want to give all your goods at once'. So I kept it plain and simple yet classy enough to make me feel good about myself and more to the point confident!  

I kept the make-up simple too - I think a huge amount of makeup can potentially scare a guy away. So, I applied a base of 17's BB cream in medium with a touch of Rimmel's Wake Me Up concealer to conceal any little blemishes. Maxfactor's cream blusher in 'soft pink' added a subtle hint of colour to the cheeks without making me look like I was caked in product. I curled my upper lashes and used a coat Yves Rocher mascara in Black (from a previous Glossybox). I didn't apply this on the bottom lashes because it transfers quite easily! 

To finish the makeup off I used a little bit of the rose tinted vaseline on my lips, and that was it. It was a very natural, dewy, Spring makeup. And that's that. There is another date to come, so I will be sure to show you guys how I dress then.

Hope you guys are all well.
Thank you for supporting me and following my blog! Keep your eyes peeled for a giveaway soon :) 
Kat xx

Thursday, 5 July 2012


So I've returned from uni, my holiday to France is fast approaching and the weather in the UK is taking it's time to brighten up... My cure = make-up!!

I unsubscribed from Glossybox after their June box... BUT if you remember reading my first Glossybox post (their birthday box) you'd remember I got the collection 2000 eyeliner in gold and, initially, I was very disappointed with it... Well, I have worked with it for a while and here's how I love to use it.

I am not one for heavy eye makeup, so the subtle gold colour on the lower lash line isn't too 'in your face'. I love it! It is so summery, subtle, and enhances my eye colour.

What do you think?
What is your favourite eyeshadow/eyeliner colour for Summer?

Kat xx