Saturday, 29 September 2012

OOTD - Saturday Student

Dress - TK Maxx
Jumper - Primark
Lipstick - Revlon in 'Coral'

This is a little number I wore before I moved back to uni. It's not something I would usually team together and I'm not gonna lie, I felt like I looked like a bit of a clown - BUT I kinda like it.

What do you think? 

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tuesday Trend - To Fringe Or Not To Fringe?

Autumn, to me, screams block fringe/bangs and shiny chocolate brown hair. I have been debating whether to get my fringe cut for the last few weeks but it always tends to become too much of a hassle to maintain! So, I thought I'd share some hair styles that I absolutely love for the Autumn season.

My favourite of these images is number 3. Although I could never pull such a vibrant colour off, I think it is 
absolutely gorgeous and pretty much sums up an Autumn hair style for me! 

The only thing that puts me off a fringe is the constant styling - my hair is naturally wavy and even after a tonne of hairspray my hair doesn't seem to stay put. 

What do you think of block fringes? Do you have any tips for maintaining a block fringe?

P.S I am super happy to announce that I am a member of the Motel Rocks Street Team!! So you guys get an amazing 20% off your purchase if you use my discount code - 'beautyembraced'. YAY

Images taken from - 

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Uni Bedroom Buys

I can't wait to have my own house so I can decorate it and have it how I want. But for now, as a student, I can only dream. Saying this though, after one year at uni I've learnt that student accommodation can be quite rotten and small touches can make it homely and much more comfortable to live in.

1 & 2 - Homebase
3 & 4 - Matalan
5 & 6 - Unknown (Gifts)

I plan to have everything a cream colour with hints of pink and lilac from the floral prints. I've also picked up a mirror and some other odd bits, but these are my favourites, especially the bed sheets! The colours are similar to my bedroom at home, I love the 'shabby chic' sort of look, I think all the items are cute but elegant.

What items could you not live without in your bedroom?

Thursday, 20 September 2012

OOTD - Skirt Crazy

I apologise for featuring this skirt two posts in a row, but it is too cute! My discovery has perhaps resulted in a slight obsession with high waited skirts - I ordered two new ones last night, oopsies - but I love, love, love it. 

This time I decided to jazz it up a bit with a gorgeous jumper I got from a charity shop a while back - it has a gorgeous white print on the front which is very Autumnal and not too bold to go with the button detailing of the skirt. If I had the time I would have painted my nails a classic red to add a little bit of colour!

I love Autumn because you get to layer up and put on wooly jumpers! 
What's your favourite outfit at the moment? 

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

OOTD - Buttoned Up


T-shirt - Dorothy Perkins
Skirt - River Island
Belt - Vintage

I've had a complete change of attitude towards shopping this last week. After having to fork out £500 on a new laptop my shopping addicted brain has come to the realisation that I spend a ridiculous amount on money on clothes I never wear. 

This outfit is made up from items of clothing I found lurking at the bottom of my wardrobe. The skirt so easy to wear- I've never worn it before (oops) - but I think it looks so cute dressed down with this plain black tee and some grey, lace up canvas shoes.

How do you stop yourself from spending money on items you don't really need?
Despite doing a blogpost (here) on controlling the spending habit - being at home has proved to be very difficult money wise!

Friday, 14 September 2012

OOTD - Autumnal print

Jumper - H&M 
Skirt - Miss Selfridge 
Tights - Asda
Flower Ring - Debenhams

You've probably noticed my complete obsession with OOTD's at the moment! I've gone through my wardrobe and rediscovered so many clothes that I've forgotten about - Although I can't lie... I have ordered a few essential items i.e. new boots and a couple of jumpers. But other than that I have found I actually have everything I need in my wardrobe. I came across this skirt in the depths of one of my drawers, I love it - it's such a gorgeous print and it's great for Autumn/Winter paired with some black tights and boots.

I also just have to mention that I curled my hair - such a rare thing to see! I got a pair of new GHD's for my birthday so I tested them out this morning. The last GHD's I had were the wide plated ones which I couldn't curl with as easily. 

When was the last time you had a proper look through all of the clothes you own?

Kat xx

Thursday, 13 September 2012

OOTD - Never too old for aztec

Shirt - Vintage
Dress - Primark 
Shoes - Bank Fashion 

It's my 20th birthday today - gosh I feel kind of old - and the sun is shining so I put on this pretty aztec print dress. I love aztec print and really hope the trend continues through to the colder months! But hopefully this is not the last of the UK sunshine! 

What's your favourite style print for the Autumn/Winter?

Kat x

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Sunday Style Wishlist #1

1. ASOS Boyfriend Watch (£22) - So, I've finally given up on my hopes of ever getting a Michael Kors watch. But not to worry, I have found this affordable alternative, in fact I kind of prefer it (sorry Kors!!). 

2. ASOS Atlas Hiker Ankle Boots (£38) - This goes without saying, boots are essential for Autumn/Winter (especially if you live up north in the UK where it rains 24/7). The last two pairs I bought are heels - not huge heels - but I need some comfortable boots in my life. These look like the perfect ones for me. I had considered investing in some Doc Martens but I can't picture myself wearing them too much. These look versatile, cute and they will probably last longer than my ebay boots. 

3. Topshop Petite Jersey Peplum Top (£18) - I have yet to follow the peplum trend, but after seeing Vivianna Does Makeup looking gorgeous in a black peplum top (here) I have felt inspired to add one to my wardrobe. This sort of burgundy colour is definitely looking to be on trend this Autumn/Winter too.

4. Topshop Bleach Hem Skinny Trousers (£38) - I know the ombre look has been around for quite a while now but I absolutely love these trousers. I practically live in skinny jeans and I have been wanting to take the plunge into buying some patterned trousers like the ones Sophy was wearing in her latest outfit post (here) but haven't quite plucked up the courage. These bleached skinny trousers will draw just the right amount of attention and will hopefully help me gather up the confidence to purchase some patterned trousers soon! 

5. Models Own Ibiza Mix (£5) - This nail polish has been on my wishlist forever! I don't own a glittery polish so this looks perfect and I think the colour mix will look great for Autumn and around Christmas time! 

6. Warehouse Uptown Bag (£42) - I don't really need to explain why I want this bag - It's a nude beige colour, so will go with anything, it's simple and it's gorgeous. 

7. Motel Rocks Rock 'N Rose Ximena Vintage Geometric Triangle Earrings (£14) - I've been eyeing these earrings up for a good while now. I think they'd look great with anything.  

Do you like any of the items on my wishlist this week?

Saturday, 8 September 2012

OOTN - In love with ASOS

Let's jump straight to the point - I am currently obsessed with ASOS. And I'm not just saying that. I go on their website pretty much every evening to see if there are any new items I could add to my Autumn/Winter wardrobe - especially items in the sale.

This outfit will hopefully show you why I'm so obsessed... it was a complete bargain and I absolutely love it! 

First things first, the dress. It is in a gorgeous, soft jersey material, there is cut out detailing around the waist and it is super flattering. I didn't feel the need to wear any jewellery at all because I think the cut out pattern deserves all the attention.
I don't know if you'll agree with me, and I might just be old fashioned, but I find a lot of girls feel the need to show too much skin on a night out - usually too much cleavage and very short dresses! But I think this dress is just right, it's not too short so it won't show off your butt and it doesn't need to show any cleavage because the cut out shows just enough skin - it's classy.
The dress is in the sale for just £12.50! You can find it here (They also do it in orange). 

Then to the shoes. They are to die for - despite my struggle with walking in them. But the colour is beautiful and it adds a statement to such a plain, simple, yet gorgeous outfit for a night out. These shoes, here, were just £9!!! 

 I'm so tempted to buy the dress and shoes in different colours but I'm super happy with them both - I love the simplicity and the overall price of this outfit. 

What do you think? Would you add anything extra to spice it up a bit more?

What are your favourite items on ASOS at the moment?


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Laptop problems and linky plinks

Hey guys and gals! 

I've been a terrible blogger... My laptop has been taken away because it sadly passed away, so I'm trying to get together the money for a new one - so annoying.

I promise I have lots of photos lined up, a zillion outfit of the days included! 

I just want to post a link to an art page I've set up. I've put up some photos of my paintings, as my aim is to get some money from commissions. I would love it if you just take a little look - and leave a comment if you like.

Thanks girlies!
Kat xx