Monday, 30 April 2012

When it's cold outside

The weather cheered up a little bit today which was typical as I had planned a day of revision. It was sunny enough to put on some shades but definitely not warm enough to go out in Summer clothing!

Here's what I decided to wear, I must admit I 'threw it on' this morning, so it is a bit mismatched but I kind of like that look at the moment! 


Shirt  - Asda (pj top from ages ago). I tied it at the bottom to make it look more fitted.
Vest top - New Look
Jeggings - Vintage
Clutch - Primark
Sunglasses - ASOS
Lipstick - Revlon Colourburst Lipstick in 'Coral'

A very simple outfit but made a bit more interesting with a bright red/orangey lip. And I love new look vest tops because you can play around with them as a base for an outfit!

What are your staple items of clothing at the moment?

Kat xx

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Polka Dot Crazy

Exam period is looming for most students and being a typical 'I'll do it tomorrow' sort of person, I ended up doing my nails today.
My university courses aren't satisfying me on the creative side of things so I thought I'd jazz up my nails a little bit.

I just used a hairgrip (bobby pin) and dotted on some white polka dots, then used a top coat. They aren't perfect but don't they look cute?

Kat xx

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Summer Skin - BB Cream

As I have already told you guys, I've been having skin issues for a while now. I have been given a topical solution to put on my mild acne by the doctors and it seems to be working. Since it is slowly improving I decided that caking on the foundation, like I usually do, probably won't help! And since Summer is drawing closer a more natural look is appropriate.

I purchased the 17 BB cream today and I'm so excited that I thought I'd show you what it looks like once applied. I bought it in the shade medium, which I was really worried about at first but because it is so sheer it isn't the end of the world and also since I'm at my palest at the moment it will eventually match up to my skin tone once I've been on holiday.

17 BB Cream - Medium
I've just noticed that this has SPF25, which is a huge bonus because the foundations I normally wear don't have any SPF.

So, the application. 

I use my fingers to apply this and it gives a lovely natural look. It definitely does not cover my problem areas but I definitely wasn't expecting it to. But it does cover redness and evens out the skin tone.

But, I don't feel comfortable just going out with this BB cream on, so to finish it off I use a bit of Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in the shade fair on any problem areas. I then set it with Collection 2000's shine away compact mirror in the shade medium. And put on some mascara, Collection 2000's longer lash waterproof mascara in black. Yes, I did go a bit Collection 2000 mad the other day. But it's so affordable!

Collection 2000's Long Lash mascara - Black

Isn't this mascara just amazing, my lashes don't look too caked and are lovely and separated. I only got this today but already I'm in love! 

So, what do you guys think of the finished result? Using a lot less product is very scary, I'll make sure I update you on how this goes and I'll do a review on the BB cream once I've used it for a while!

Kat xx

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Hey guys! This is exciting, I thought I'd join the trend and let you know what products I have finished off this month. Yay!

First, I bought a cheap bottle of vitamin E oil. My combination skin is so difficult to please so I thought I'd start with the cheaper end of the scale in the form of Superdrug's own brand and I was rather surprised. The oil was good to apply at night time, it reduced redness and noticeably improved my scars. It was around the £3 mark, so one of my better purchases.

Next, a bottle of perfume. Now I'm not going to lie to you guys, I have had this for years. By years, I mean I got it for Christmas 2 years ago! I didn't particularly like this scent, it was a bit too heavy for me and it's best as a Autumn/Winter smell but I felt the need to use it up.

I also used up this mascara, the name has rubbed off but its a Rimmel product. I got this in a little set for Christmas, this mascara was intended for 'nights out' - for a more glam look. And it was great, it lengthened my lashes to the extreme and made me look like I had false lashes on. Great product.

Another mascara! I done a review on this a few days ago. The Revlon 'Grow Luscious' mascara. Loved this, but I wouldn't buy it again. It dried up super super quickly but saying that it was a decent product and a lot better than some of the others in Boots.

I picked up a Natural Collection powder, £1.99, a few weeks ago. Absolute bargain. But it's not been great for my skin, broke me out badly but who can complain when it's so cheap!

I also bought a Natural Collection Blusher, in 'peach melba'. Lovely colour for a light flush on the cheeks. 'But it's not empty', I hear you say. Yes I know but this really annoyed me this morning and I felt the need to share. 
I tilted the packaging to swirl my brush in it and the pan fell out onto the floor and broke everywhere. I wanted to cry, but oh well that was only £1.99 too!

This is my most upsetting empty this month. My Vichy Dermablend foundation in shade 15 Opal. I don't use this as a foundation because it is super duper heavy, but it works fantastically as a concealer! It covers every blemish possible and I have no idea what I'm going to use as a concealer now until I get to the shops!

Finally I have a quick question for you guys. I've never bought any high end foundation before and because of my combination, spot prone skin I think it's about time I gave it a go. I've been paying close attention to youtube videos and read up. I'm considering Clinique's Superbalanced foundation.
What would you recommend?

Kat xx

Monday, 23 April 2012

Fake tanning troubles

After not being on holiday for a few years I would call myself a ghost. I am pale and it's not the pale look that's in at the moment, it's the 'oh you look ill' sort of pale. So thank goodness I'm going abroad this year!

I have fake tanned once. And it was a horrible experience. I picked up a bottle of the St Moriz mousse and lightly put it on my arms, slept with it on and washed it of in the shower the following morning. At first the colour looked great, natural and not orange. But then as the day went on I noticed the product had started to collect where my arm hairs grow and it looked hideous! For the following 3 days I wore long sleeved jumpers to cover it up because I was so embarassed.

Anyway, last year I decided to use something lighter - Garnier summerbody moisturiser - and I have to admit it smells divine! It doesn't have any horrid 'fake tan' smell and it doesn't streak at all. I used this as an all over body moisturiser all year and didn't have any problems with it. I did look lightly sun kissed, but there wasn't a hugely noticeable colour difference, I just looked glowy and healthier. So I've been on the hunt for something a bit more powerful.

So, off I trotted back to the shops and saw the Dove summerglow nourishing lotion for normal to dark skin on offer. 

This stuff is great! The first time I used it I just put it on my arms to be safe and the next day I looked sun-kissed and so natural looking. There were absolutely no streaks and best of all it hadn't clung to my dry elbows. I've continued to use this for three months now and I have to say that I am so chuffed with this product. In my opinion the smell isn't as nice as Garnier's gradual tan, but it's definitely not unbearable. When I returned to university after the Easter break I had numerous people asking me where I had been on holiday, that's always a good sign!

Do you guys have any fake tan stories?

Kat xx  

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Looking fresh

Like many girls I'm a massive fan of painted nails but my obsession with perfect looking and unchipped nails means I waste a vast amount of time repainting them. Despite using a base coast with each application my nails have become discoloured so I decided today that I need to ditch the bright Spring colours for a while. 

So, here is my alternative... 

I am so happy with my french manicured nails, don't they look healthy? And yes, I did do them myself! 

How did I do them?
First I applied a base coat, I used 17 clear varnish.
Next, I used a white polish to do the tips. I have no idea where I got this from, but any white polish will do the job. I do have quite a steady hand so I managed to do them free hand. (Another good way is to use hole reinforcers. I haven't gone mad, they do work. If you use a hole reinforcer, cut it in half and line the top edge up with the shape of the tip of your nail, it works great as a cheap stencil!)
And finally I applied 2 coats of a sheer, natural pink colour. Mine is by nails inc. in the shade 'south malton street'. 

It did take a bit of patience, but I love a fresh look now and again!

Hope you're all having a great sunday.

Kat xx

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Revlon Grow Luscious Mascara Review

First and foremost I used to adore mascara, I would never leave my room without any on. The reason my love has slowly fizzled out is because I went through a phase where my lashes would fall out. I don't know if it was the eye make-up remover I was using or due to the mascara but I gave it a break for a while and thankfully they have been fine since then. Also, I did just realise that I haven't included any photos of my natural lashes (oops) but you can probably tell that in these photos my bottom lashes are bare, so it helps give an indication of what they look like normally.

So, ramble over, let's get to the actual product!

As you can probably tell, I do not like to cake my eyes in makeup because, as I've mentioned, they can get very irritated and I just like them to look more natural. To me, the whole point of mascara is to make you look more alert and awake, which this mascara definitely does! I have put just one layer onto my thin and sparse lashes.! If you like the nice and natural look then one coat is plenty, if you like the more built up/false lash effect then this is probably great too. I have tested building the product up to get fuller lashes and you can get away with a few coats, like any mascara, and any more than that it begins to clump a little. 

The one I have is in blackest black which, for me, seems natural enough. But, and there is quite a big but. If you are a lover of having mascara on your bottom lashes then you will probably be disappointed. After about 3 hours it begins to smudge on the bottom. Because I don't wear mascara on my bottom lashes it isn't a problem, but it can certainly ruin a makeup look and although it isn't incredibly noticeable, it does happen.

I have read some other reviews on this product and many have said that the mascara brush is far too big. I'm not going to lie, when I first used it I was heavy handed and got it all over my brow bone and eyelid. However, after using it for a few applications you soon get used to it. I think because the wand has bristles rather than being plastic, it ensures that your lashes are properly coasted and the bulkiness of the brush makes them look a lot thicker.

At £7.99 I would say this is a pretty pricey mascara. And one of it's biggest downfalls for me is that it dries out very quickly! But, I picked my one up in a deal at Boots before christmas. You had to spend a certain amount on Revlon products and you got a free gift box with a nail varnish, lipgloss and this mascara (it was a pretty good deal and it did make me very happy indeed). So in that respect I think I picked myself up a bargain, but I probably wouldn't pay that much money for it again. I definitely think there are better brands and formulas out there that aren't so difficult to get used to!

So, I'm going to continue on my mascara mission! What's your favourite mascara of all time? 

Kat xx

Friday, 20 April 2012

Brain food

I have returned to university and yes, it is 'quiet period'. I have received many emails stating that there is to be no loud music, parties (unless you have permission), no ball games or messing around outside the university accommodation, no BBQ's. The joys of  being back at university! 

Anyway, I haven't started to revise yet as I'm trying to adjust back to a good routine. Obviously breakfast plays a huge role in waking you up and giving you energy for the day and I have never understood why many girls I know say they 'don't eat breakfast'! I wake up every morning absolutely starving and would probably keel over without food! So here is what I have every morning without fail... 

I'll get up and the first thing I do is make a bowl of healthy porridge (I know many of you will hate porridge, just like my housemates, so apologies!). I mix in some dried cranberries, slices of banana and a drizzle of honey. I find that a bowl of porridge like this will fill me up until about 1.30pm, this means I completely avoid snacking in the mornings! 
You've probably noticed that underneath my bowl is a magazine, I do read trashy magazines every morning just to get that beauty obsession out of the way so I can focus on university work for the rest of the day.

Before consuming my bowl of yummy porridge I'll have a glass of green tea. I find that green tea really wakes me up in the morning and I have seen a huge difference in my complexion after drinking about 5 glasses a day, if I don't have my green tea I can really see a difference.

And finally water! Water, water, water. Ok so I don't drink that much water myself but I do try. I definitely do not ever consume the recommended 8 glasses of water a day because I would spend half of my day peeing but I do try to have atleast 2 bottles to keep hydrated.

I thought I'd include this page from my magazine (the only reason I bought it to begin with). Zoe Deschanel is my girl crush, I love her. I love her in New Girl, I love her in real life, I just love her. Doesn't she looks gorgeous. I want her hair!

Kat xx

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Outfit of the day

Let me know what you think of my outfit, it's quite a plain one today because I've just been running errands. The last photo includes my new sunglasses, can't work out if they suit me or not! 
The outfit is quite a bland one so I wore a bright red lip to add a bit of colour, but unfortunately the poor quality images haven't picked it up.

 Black top - Vintage
Cardigan - New look
Cream faux leather jacket - Vero Moda 
Trousers - Primark
Boots - Ebay
Watch - Sekonda Diamond
Scarf - Vintage 
Sunglasses - ASOS

Kat xx

Saturday, 14 April 2012

New purchase

I had a little 'window' shop with my mum a couple of days ago... so obviously that means I bought a few new bits - including a foundation. So maybe I own about 10 foundations at the moment... my problem is that I don't want them to run out so I rush to the shops to buy a new one. My new purchase is Bourjois' 123 Perfect foundation
It claims that it contains:
1. Yellow pigments to cover dark circles
2. Mauve pigments to fix a dull complexion
3. Green pigments to cover redness

After reading these 3 selling points I thought it could be the foundation I've always wanted. At £10.99, however, I did think it was  a little bit pricey but still bought it anyway because I'm one of those girls that doesn't want to regret missing out on a great buy. I have only used it for two days but I can safely tell you it's not great. The last foundation I used, Rimmel's wake me up foundation, I found to be too shimmery, glittery and made my skin look super oily and shiny even though I suffer from dry skin. Well, this Bourjois foundation proved to be the complete opposite, it highlights my dry patches, makes me look super cakey and gives me a really flat look. So, the genius that I am, I decided to mix the two together. And oh my goodness, I couldn't be happier. The shimmer in the Rimmel foundation help give me a slight glow whilst the matte finish from the Bourjois foundation makes it last on my skin so much better.

But, like I said, I have only used this combination for a couple of days so I will keep you updated and do a post including some photos of it on.

What is your favourite foundation?

Kat xx

Thursday, 12 April 2012


I think I've finally found a layout I'm happy with! YAY. And I think it's going to stay. Oh it's so satisfying to be organised! Do you like?

Also, I went to my Nana's yesterday, I love being reunited with a place that holds so many memories. It's nice to be at home away from the messiness of my university house! The little arch in the wall, the old floral furniture, the retro bright orange lampshade... it's the simple things!

I haven't got anything specific to write about today, just want to ask you guys what you would be interested in seeing/reading? I have a few ideas in mind ... 

Kat xx

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Capturing each moment

I've not done much with my day, but here it is summed up in 6 photos. 
I woke up, the sun was shining. (Love this photo!)
I sat in the garden, where a blackbird got uncomfortably close.
I listened to my new favourite song 'she will stay beneath the moon' by Adam Barnes.
I made silly faces.
I caught up on my youtube videos.
Then the sun went down. 

Definitely addicted to instagram!

Kat xx

Monday, 9 April 2012

Words words words

It's not long until I have to go back to university and face the dreaded first year exams. EEK. 
So, I'm trying to make the most of my time off and have been spending time with my family, catching up on my fave tv shows and reading. 

Yes, this is another book post. I started to read the girl with the dragon tattoo but I'm struggling to get into it! Everyone has told me it is an amazing read, one of my friends said he couldn't put it down. But I really can't see the hype about it, it's so slow and dull and frustrating because I wanted it to be good!

Anyway, my mum has given me this book ... 

'Love and Devotion' by Erica James. I'm looking forward to reading this! 

The dress I'm wearing in this photo is my new favourite, it's a polka dot dress from H&M. It's gorgeous and is very flattering on my curvy figure. 

Kat xx

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Secrets shared

Happy easter guys!

I'm not particularly religious but it is always nice to reflect on life etc etc. My parents are definitely the cutest, rather than getting easter eggs my mum gave me some of her treasured recipes, herbs and spices, a blender and some other secret ingredients so I can make some of her special dishes when I'm at university. I'm not going to lie, it brought a tear to my eye. She is adorable.

My mum also gave me a book a couple of days ago. 'The Descendants' by George Clooney. It is actually one of the best books I have read in the last few months. I don't know whether it's because I felt I could connect with it due to my personal life at the moment, or because of the way it is written.

So, it is personal, but my mum has recently had major surgery (she is all well now, phew) but before she handed me this book she said that my dad was going to do exactly the same as what Matt, the main character, does in this novel. Basically, a husband tries to reconnect with his two daughters whilst his wife is in a coma. It did have me crying at times and laughing out loud at others. It is also a film, but I have not seen it. I'm not sure if watching the film will ruin the whole plot for me. But I did find it to be a very good read, I read it in two days which says a lot!

Kat xx

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Baking in the sun

I've been incredibly bored since I got back from university, so I've cleaned, organised and baked. Yesterday I had an urge to bake some goodies, I'm quite proud of my little cupcakes, although they aren't exactly perfect, they are delish! 

I just used a basic cupcake mix, added lemon zest and juice. Then made butter icing with lemon and put a little lemon sweet on the top. They look so cute (if I do say so myself). 

Time to get scoffing!

Kat xx