Saturday, 26 May 2012

Flower print nails

I hate a naked nail. After wearing polish for so long it just looks slightly strange and now that it's Spring/Summer and the weather is warmer I feel like I can play around with different looks.

I saw this tattooed nail tutorial idea on Megan's blog Lips so Facto (she got the idea from a cute polish nail tutorial here)  and I was dying to try it out for myself! 

1. Apply a base coat - I used Sally Hansen hard as nails

2. Apply any colour polish you fancy - I used my favourite colour of the month, MaxFactor's polish in 'chilled lilac'. And leave until completely dry.

3. Cut the temporary tattoo sheet into small pieces, roughly the same size as your nails. (I do this step first to avoid ruining my painted nails!). You can buy temporary tattoo sheets from ebay - my one sheet was 50p!

4. Peel the plastic off of the tattoo pieces and place it (pattern side down) onto your nail.

5. Use a wet cotton wool pad to push the tattoo design onto your nail and leave few a minute or two until you can feel the design coming off onto your nail.

5. Leave to dry for a few minutes and then finish off with a clear topcoat.

I must admit my first attempt (above) was messy and you can see there are cracks in the tattoo designs... But my second attempt (below) was a lot better. For the nails below I used Barry M's polish in 'peach melba' to make it a little bit more colourful!

I love this idea because you get a different design everytime and they look really cute and summery!

Are you going to give this a go?

Kat xx

Thursday, 24 May 2012

First Glossybox, yay or nay?

Just a quick warning, this post contains a lot of photos (apologies)! 

So this month I took the plunge and subscribed to Glossybox. The main reason was because I knew they'd have a birthday box and I thought that it would be worth subscribing on one of the 'themed' months... 

This was my little revision break so I felt the need to include a cup of coffee in shot!  

I was so impressed and super excited about the packaging! As I said in my previous post packaging always plays such a huge part in receiving things in the post, so well done to Glossybox for putting so much thought into it! 

Cute little Glossybox balloon and mirror - another really cute touch! 

So the first item is some Eldora false eyelashes... I am so happy with mine because I will definitely wear them on my next night out! I will probably post a makeup look when I eventually go out after this stressful exam period! 

Next, Neal's Yard Remedies rehydration rose daily moisturiser... I'm not a fan of the smell of this. It does have a rose scent but it reminds me of the smell of a Barbie I used to have when I was younger. I may sound like a mad woman, but you know when dolls have a scent to them that is sort of like plastic? Well that's what it smells like to me. And I tested this on my hand and have come out in a terrible rash so not a great product for me. 

I was afraid I'd receive a shower gel... I have so many to get through! This doesn't smell particularly feminine, in fact it's something my brother would use in the shower. However, it is a nice scent and it's a decent size.

Another iffy product... I don't use gel eyeliner and if I was to use it then I definitely wouldn't choose gold! I tried it on and it clashes with my skin tone and is really not flattering... Definitely a miss.

And finally some Lolita Lemnicka perfume samples. They do smell gorgeous. But two perfume samples... Not particularly impressed, but is that me just expecting too much?

So, what do you guys think of the products? What products did you receive?

As a themed box I was not overly impressed... Despite my initial excitement of receiving my first ever box and the impressive packaging, I've come to the conclusion that they could have included something a bit more exciting perhaps... Maybe next month will be more of a surprise?

Kat xx

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Small online clothing haul

During this exam period I've ended up doing a lot of online shopping (eek). I had a look at Bank's website because I needed new shoes and my housemate recommended their website. I've never ordered from there before so was slightly dubious but fell in love with a few of their sale items.

So first things first, the parcel didn't turn up on time... The delivery company stated that they tried to deliver twice but no one was there to sign for the parcel - considering I live at university and there is a porter present to sign for all deliveries 24/7 I found it ridiculous but it did get here in the end! 

Second bad note, the packaging was pretty horrendous. I was expecting something a little better wrapped.

But maybe that's just me being super picky?

Onto the clothing! 

One more packaging moan, the shoes were not in a box but tied together by an elastic band. Should I overlook that too?

Here they are!

They were £6! £6! I absolutely love them, they are so comfortable and something a little bit different from my current shoe collection.

Next I bought some palazzo trousers. I'm still on the hunt for my perfect maxi skirt but I thought these would be great on holiday because they're nice a lightweight.

But there is a slight issue... they are way too long! They are the perfect fit around the waist (size 12) but the length is verging on ridiculous. So I'm going to try and take the bottoms up a bit! These were £8 in the sale so yet another absolute bargain.

And finally I picked up a Barry M nail polish in 'peach melba', a replacement because my old one went really thick and gloopy (yuck)

So overall I'm impressed with my shoes and trousers (although the trousers don't fit) and I'd love to pick up some more bargains from their website - it is definitely worth checking out. But, I'm unsure whether I'd purchase from them again purely because of the delivery issues! 

Have you ever had any mishaps with delivery service?

Also, I received my first ever Glossybox today - their 1st birthday box! (Review to come)

Kat xx

Monday, 21 May 2012

Time to focus?

Any of you guys who read my posts regularly will notice I've not been posting so much. I'm trying my hardest to focus on studying for my exams to make sure I pass this first year at uni... so I'm basically nerding it up right now.

However, today is a b-e-a-utiful day so revision in the sun with a glass of cider is definitely the way forward.

I promise that once my exams have finished (in 3 weeks time) I will be back to posting regularly! I have a lot planned and a lot of photos prepared.

What are your plans for today?

Kat xx

Friday, 18 May 2012

Food, glorious food

Another non-beauty post today...
I'm a massive foody. When I first got to university I panicked because I didn't know how to cook anything more complicated than scrambled eggs and I found that quite daunting! But now I've got the hang of cooking some simple, easy, quick but yummy dishes. So, I thought I'd share one of them with you.

Risotto with Bacon. It's oh so simple! 

1. Melt butter in a saucepan, add 1/2 a teaspoon of Saffron and allow to heat for 1 minute
2. Add chopped onion and cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes until softened
3. Stir in the risotto rice and cook for a minute or two before adding a ladleful of boiling stock of your choice (I used chicken stock)
4. Let the stock be absorbed by the rice and keep repeating until the rice is tender but still creamy

Et voila!

Hope you enjoyed
What's your favourite meal?

Kat xx

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Music of the moment

Another post? Yes, I'm slacking on revision and keep reverting to youtube and blogs but this one is for a good reason! Promise!

Nothing to do with beauty but I've included this guy in one of my very first posts and I feel I have to mention him again because not enough people know about him! Adam Barnes is a musician, singer, song-writer, artist, whatever you'd like to call him and his songs are stuck on repeat in my house at the moment. Particularly this song, 'She Will Stay Beneath the Moon'.... 

Definitely go check him out, follow him on facebook and twitter if you enjoy! 
Let me know if you like :)

Who's your favourite person to listen to at the moment? 

Kat xx

Favourite polish of the month

I recently went into Boots on the hunt for an Essie nail varnish but couldn't find any so was pretty disappointed. So, of course, I had a little walk around the store. I saw the cutest little Maxfactor polishes, they are so small but so cute, so I instantly had to have one.

The colour I picked up is 'Chilled Lilac' which is gorgeous! I'm pretty impressed as the polish hasn't chipped yet and I've been wearing it for 3 days now, I used a topcoat of Sally Hansen Hard as Nails (which really strengthens my bendy nails).

Have you guys tried these polishes before? 
What Essie shades would you recommend?

ALSO, Lexi from Sure, Why Not? is doing a giveaway as she's reached 100 followers. So, go check it out. Her blog is a great read! 

Hope you're all having a great week!
Kat xx

Monday, 14 May 2012

The sun was shining

 Here's an outfit from the other day. I've been struggling with my wardrobe lately and have had the 'I have nothing to wear' syndrome... I'm sure you girls know what I'm talking about! 

This little crop top has a gorgeous little print on the front. It's from Topshop last year. I tie a knot in the front so it isn't so baggy and it's great for when the suns out!

The rare sun that we have in the North of the UK!

Hope you all had a good weekend! 

Kat xx

Friday, 11 May 2012


The fact that my university is 20 - 25 minutes away from town means that I have to get the bus. Obviously this has it's pros and cons... mainly pros. But, I do volunteer at a school in town once a week, so I clearly make the most of it whilst I'm in the area! 

The first stop is always Boots then I 'window shop' for a while and then head to Sainsburys for my weekly food shop... Yes, I do have a bit of a rota going on, may be a slight bit of OCD but I hate to be disorganised.

Anyway, the point of this post is to show you what I purchased on Thursday.

I did control myself, seeing as I just purchased my mum's birthday present I don't have that much money to spare this month! 

Biore 'Combination Skin Balancing Cleanser' from Sainsburys £3.32 (on offer)
Imperial Leather 'Skin Kind enrich raspberry & lime blossom body wash' from Sainsburys 94p (on offer)
Oilatum moisturiser from Boots £7.65
Natural Collection blusher in 'peach melba' £1.99
Natural Collection loose powder in 'translucent' £1.99
Rimmel Kate Lasting Finish Lipstick in 08 'Rossetto' £5.49

This blusher is a re-purchase, it's my everyday blush. The colour is gorgeous and great for summer time, Natural Collection blushers are my favourite and they're so affordable!

After watching the Pixiwoo sister's religiously for a while I decided to pick up the Oilatum moisturiser since they seem to use it as a base quite frequently. I have been using Cetaphil moisturiser for over a month now and it is great but I don't think it's quite moisturising enough.

And finally I picked up this lipstick on a whim. I want to build up my lipstick collection and ordered a Mac lipstick but I got it sent to the wrong address (idiot). The colour of this is great, not too different from my natural lip colour, but I really don't like the texture. There's creamy and then there's creamy. I can just feel it sitting on my lips which I really don't like. 

I wish I loved it more but nevermind. I'll just have to wait for my Mac one! 

What purchases have you made recently? 
Do you budget yourself to a certain amount to spend on beauty products each week?

Hope you're having a nice day!
Kat xx

OH, WAIT... I just have to say, I signed up to Glossybox yesterday and cannot wait to receive it. Yay! 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Gift box galore

Birthday gifts are always tricky and I like to put some thought into what I buy somebody but it is often difficult to find a present that means something!

Whilst living at university, 5 hours from home, I don't talk to my parents that frequently and so it has been a lot harder to buy presents! It's my mums birthday in a few days so I decided to put together a little gift box. 
Here are the things I included... 

Mini FCUK signature bodywash £2.35
Mini Umberto Giannini beauty balm £1
Mini Ted Baker original body spray £2.35
Mini Bastiste dry shampoo £1.49
Mini Soap & Glory Hand Food £2.50
Peel-Off-Masque £1
(All from Boots)

Yankee Candle Tarts in Vanilla Cupcake, Vanilla Satin, Pink Lady Slipper £1.20 each
Purple soap £2.49. (Candles and soap from 'Cards & Candles')
Bracelet £5 (Sainsburys)
Two Glass Candle Plates 50p each (Sainsburys)

Green & Blacks mini milk chocolate and butterscotch chocolate 85p each
'Birthday Girl' Rosette (everyone loves a badge on their birthday!)
Mini box of Guylian Chocolates
Earrings Next £3

And there's finished box... it's all a bit crammed in there but I like the idea of her having to rummage through to find all the little goodies!

And of course I had to include this birthday card, I laughed for a good while and isn't it just adorable? 

Finally, a personal touch. This is a little something I drew at Art Society the other week.

What do you guys think of the goodies I included? I must admit  it was a bit rushed to put this all together and I'm worried about how much this is going to cost to post because it is rather heavy but I think she'll like it! One thing I really wanted to put in there (but it wouldn't have gotten here in time) was one of the Paul & Joe cat collection blusher sticks!

If you were to put a gift box together what would you include?

I hope you all had a good and relaxing bank holiday weekend!
Kat xx